Habits Of Mind

Habits Of Mind

In Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick's "Describing 16 Habits of Mind ,"the authors explore student performance The Habits of Mind are a disposition of behavior in acting intelligently towards any problem when the answer to it is not immediately known. For example, the average student in solving a math problem when he or she is given a difficult question too often the students tends to get frustrated and give up. In the article it explains how experts focus on putting people in difficult situations in which the person has to use their own knowledge in handling any complex problem.Strategic reasoning, insightfulness, perseverance, creativity,and craftsmanship are all skills that one must find in itself. Experts observe on how well students use these skills to solve any difficult situation. Perservance is the habit of mind that best applies to me. Perseverance means persistance and I don't like quitting. Even if I find myself in any difficult situation such as in a math problem or even in life I keep going and I don't give up.

0 enviedsensation@aol.com
© Sarah Almonte 2010