

Metaphor the comparison of two UNLIKE things. Simile, personification, anthropomorphism, hyperbole, and analogy are metaphors. A metaphor is the understanding itself of one concept in terms of another. Metaphors give a story or poem creativity and helps the reader connect with it and understand it better. Using metaphors in a story or poem makes a poem or story more intresting and entertaining for the reader. Comparisons play a huge role in metaphors. A simile compares things using like or as for example:
In A Mediation For His Mistress by Robert Herrick , the author uses several metaphor methods such as " you are a tulip seen today", or "you are a lovely July flower". He compares a person to a flower making it a method of personifiation. He is using a flower to compare whoever hes talking about either into someone whos as beautiful as a flower or at the same time weak and fragile. Emily Dickinson uses the method of an analogy. "Like trains of cars on tracks of plush" she is comparing two pairs with the same relationship. In the poem, The Bee Emily Dickinson also uses the metaphor of hyperbole by saying "His feet are shod with gauze". The type of metaphor I use often in my everyday life is mostly the method of hyperbole. A lot of people consider me as a "drama queen" because I tend to exaggerate everything.
© Sarah Almonte 2010